Children with Cancer UK

Bruce Maclaren

Bruce Maclaren

Bruce Maclaren

My Story

I am reaching out for support to raise money for my chosen charity and so children get the support they need with cancer.

In April I am completing 2 marathons. One of the 16th April in Manchester and with only a week to recover I will be completing London on the 23rd april. 

 I am raising money for children with cancer. Cancer will effect us all in our life times whether it a loved one, friend, colleague or ourselves. It is a horrible and devastating illness. Although we can take measures to reduce likelihood as developing cancer it can still impact us. It’s a painful and gruelling thing for anyone to go through.

 After recently becoming a father to a beautiful little girl you realise even more how vulnerable children are and you do anything not to make them suffer. Prior to become a father I was a non-maternal individual who’s life plan did not involve children. Now I would not change it for the world, but most importantly do whatever it takes and go to the extremes so my child won't suffer. Understanding what it is like to be parent I feel it important to do my part to make sure no child suffers with this horrible disease. Children are so innocent that they should not be subjected to such a horrible disease. Some will have a lack of understanding of what is happening to them when they diagnosed with cancer as they don’t understand what the disease is. Some potentially won't understand that due to the illness their life may be cut short. They potentially will not have the life experience and adventure that us as adults take for granted everyday. We need to live in a world where every child get the right treatment they need and survive.

Not only shouldn't a child be subjected to battling such a disease it is vital to understand and reflect how hard it is for the family and other loved ones of a child suffering. We have childre to raise, nurture and mould into amazing individuals they are. I couldn't bare to imagine the pain and emotional suffering of a parent of a child with cancer. It is a emotion that no parent or family member should ever go through. 

I feel it important to raise money for children with cancer to fight this terrible illness for our children but also for the families. Children are the future and we need do all we can so children that are suffering can see that future

 This is a also a personal challenge for myself to not only to complete one marathon but also too complete 2 Marathons a week apart. This challenge is also my parting of my 30s as I turned 40 the day after the London Marathon.




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am reaching out for support to raise money for my chosen charity and so children get the support they need with cancer.

In April I am completing 2 marathons. One of the 16th April in Manchester and with only a week to recover I will be completing London on the 23rd april. 

 I am raising money for children with cancer. Cancer will effect us all in our life times whether it a loved one, friend, colleague or ourselves. It is a horrible and devastating illness. Although we can take measures to reduce likelihood as developing cancer it can still impact us. It’s a painful and gruelling thing for anyone to go through.

 After recently becoming a father to a beautiful little girl you realise even more how vulnerable children are and you do anything not to make them suffer. Prior to become a father I was a non-maternal individual who’s life plan did not involve children. Now I would not change it for the world, but most importantly do whatever it takes and go to the extremes so my child won't suffer. Understanding what it is like to be parent I feel it important to do my part to make sure no child suffers with this horrible disease. Children are so innocent that they should not be subjected to such a horrible disease. Some will have a lack of understanding of what is happening to them when they diagnosed with cancer as they don’t understand what the disease is. Some potentially won't understand that due to the illness their life may be cut short. They potentially will not have the life experience and adventure that us as adults take for granted everyday. We need to live in a world where every child get the right treatment they need and survive.

Not only shouldn't a child be subjected to battling such a disease it is vital to understand and reflect how hard it is for the family and other loved ones of a child suffering. We have childre to raise, nurture and mould into amazing individuals they are. I couldn't bare to imagine the pain and emotional suffering of a parent of a child with cancer. It is a emotion that no parent or family member should ever go through. 

I feel it important to raise money for children with cancer to fight this terrible illness for our children but also for the families. Children are the future and we need do all we can so children that are suffering can see that future

 This is a also a personal challenge for myself to not only to complete one marathon but also too complete 2 Marathons a week apart. This challenge is also my parting of my 30s as I turned 40 the day after the London Marathon.