Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH)

In April/May 2023 Chris LeMaire is Running the Brighton, London and Leeds Marathons for Great Ormond St Hospital

Chris LeMaire

Chris LeMaire

My Story

In April/May this year I will be running the Brighton, London and Leeds Marathons in support of Great Ormond St. Childrens Hospital which is a charity that means the world to me and my family.

In July 1999, My son, Joe, was born with serious congenital heart defects - and at 3 days old was rushed by ambulance from the Luton & Dunstable Hospital to Great Ormond St Childrens Hospital where they saved his life, operated to stabilise him before he returned at less than a year old for groundbreaking major open heart surgery on a baby's heart, reportedly the size of a walnut. Since recovering he has led a totally normal life, participated in sport and is now a health 23 year old university student.

As a family we wil never be grateful enough to this miraculous institution for the wonderful work they do with sick children and the sympathetic and caring way in which they treat the families of these children. 

This year the fundraising focus for Great Ormond St is childhood cancer.

Every week, around five children in the UK lose their lives to cancer. That’s five families who are faced with the worst news possible.

For every child, parent and family – it's time to beat it.

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) treats the most seriously ill children from across the UK and sees the most rare and difficult-to-treat childhood cancers.

It’s time to push the boundaries. Through world-class facilities, pioneering research projects and cutting-edge treatments, we can help build a better future for children with cancer.

I'm proud to be part of the Charity of the Year team for the 2023 TCS London Marathon to help take the research, technology, facilities and care GOSH delivers to the next level.

By sponsoring me, you are making an impact in helping GOSH give children with cancer the extraordinary care, expertise and facilities they need. Please give what you can , however small - every mile matters and every £ matters xxx 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

In April/May this year I will be running the Brighton, London and Leeds Marathons in support of Great Ormond St. Childrens Hospital which is a charity that means the world to me and my family.

In July 1999, My son, Joe, was born with serious congenital heart defects - and at 3 days old was rushed by ambulance from the Luton & Dunstable Hospital to Great Ormond St Childrens Hospital where they saved his life, operated to stabilise him before he returned at less than a year old for groundbreaking major open heart surgery on a baby's heart, reportedly the size of a walnut. Since recovering he has led a totally normal life, participated in sport and is now a health 23 year old university student.

As a family we wil never be grateful enough to this miraculous institution for the wonderful work they do with sick children and the sympathetic and caring way in which they treat the families of these children. 

This year the fundraising focus for Great Ormond St is childhood cancer.

Every week, around five children in the UK lose their lives to cancer. That’s five families who are faced with the worst news possible.

For every child, parent and family – it's time to beat it.

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) treats the most seriously ill children from across the UK and sees the most rare and difficult-to-treat childhood cancers.

It’s time to push the boundaries. Through world-class facilities, pioneering research projects and cutting-edge treatments, we can help build a better future for children with cancer.

I'm proud to be part of the Charity of the Year team for the 2023 TCS London Marathon to help take the research, technology, facilities and care GOSH delivers to the next level.

By sponsoring me, you are making an impact in helping GOSH give children with cancer the extraordinary care, expertise and facilities they need. Please give what you can , however small - every mile matters and every £ matters xxx