Eva Snape

Eva Snape

Eva Snape

My Story

Like 1 in 4 people in the UK, in my early 20s I experienced a series of acute mental health crises and where I was lucky enough to have a family who caught me when I fell (shout out to Hugh S, Queen Judy, Caro, Sare-Bear, Panda, Roro, and Ali S aka NHS Direct) I know that many, many people are not so fortunate and don’t have the safety net they need. A cause close to my heart, I am  raising money for Mind who advocate for people with mental health problems and work to make mental health an everyday priority by standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those with mental health problems.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Like 1 in 4 people in the UK, in my early 20s I experienced a series of acute mental health crises and where I was lucky enough to have a family who caught me when I fell (shout out to Hugh S, Queen Judy, Caro, Sare-Bear, Panda, Roro, and Ali S aka NHS Direct) I know that many, many people are not so fortunate and don’t have the safety net they need. A cause close to my heart, I am  raising money for Mind who advocate for people with mental health problems and work to make mental health an everyday priority by standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those with mental health problems.