Oasis Charitable Trust

Bring It On!

Jake King

Jake King

My Story

Well this is a post I did not think I'd be writing this side of Christmas but it is now official that I will be running the 2023 London Marathon.


For those that know me, running isn’t something I do a lot of,  I am definitely stepping out of my confront zone which excites me… now let's run a marathon!


I am a massive believer of setting goals and I thrive under the pressure of training up to an event and the main event is just a bonus.


I will be raising money for Oasis Charitable Trust.. a little on Oasis:


Oasis exists to build strong inclusive communities, that work together to fight inequality and create opportunity for all.

For 35 years Oasis has been helping to build community where everyone can thrive. Oasis work to end disadvantage and create opportunity for all, providing education, housing, health, justice, youth and family support.

Oasis Charitable Trust

Raising for:

Oasis Charitable Trust


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Well this is a post I did not think I'd be writing this side of Christmas but it is now official that I will be running the 2023 London Marathon.


For those that know me, running isn’t something I do a lot of,  I am definitely stepping out of my confront zone which excites me… now let's run a marathon!


I am a massive believer of setting goals and I thrive under the pressure of training up to an event and the main event is just a bonus.


I will be raising money for Oasis Charitable Trust.. a little on Oasis:


Oasis exists to build strong inclusive communities, that work together to fight inequality and create opportunity for all.

For 35 years Oasis has been helping to build community where everyone can thrive. Oasis work to end disadvantage and create opportunity for all, providing education, housing, health, justice, youth and family support.