James Prior
My Story
Thanks for taking the time to visit my fundraising page. I am honoured and excited to accept a last minute place to run the 2023 London Marathon for St Helena Hospice.
In 2021 my dad, Gordon Prior sadly passed away after a short battle with cancer. I really struggled after losing my dad and in the months after his passing I reached out and had some grief counselling from St Helena Hospice. The sessions with the counsellor really helped me cope and adjust. My mum also benefited from some sessions as well.
This is a big challenge for me as I have only done only a few short distance runs since the Marathon last October and I now have just under 10 weeks to train. My dad ran 5 London Marathons and spoke so fondly of those memories. For these reasons I can’t wait to raise as much money as possible for St Helena Hospice so they can continue to provide the same level of support to others. I will be extremely grateful for any support you can give me.
The hospice in one year has cared for nearly 3,000 patients and the Singlepoint 24/7 advice helpline took over 45,000 calls in that same year. The hospice has also supported over 800 people through the bereavement service regardless of the place or type of death.