Guide Dogs

Jessica Haughey

Jessica Haughey

Jessica Haughey

My Story

Thank you so much for visiting my page!

This year I really wanted to set myself a challenge. For anyone that knows me, they will know just how much I absolutely ADORE dogs. I am therefore so excited to say that this year I will be running the London Marathon 2023 for Guide Dogs UK and their goal to provide life-changing support and trained dogs for those who are visually impaired.

In 2021, I unfortunately lost my gorgeous golden Labrador Barley, who was an ever present in my life as I was growing up. I experienced how much love and support she provided to me over the years and can only imagine the bond that guide dogs would create with their owner. I would love to be able to play a small part in creating that amount of joy and life-changing support for someone else.

This year Guide Dogs UK have given me the challenge of raising £2000 for their amazing charity. The money that I raise will go towards training guide dogs, providing necessary support and equipment, and above all improving the lives of those with vision impairment and sight loss.

I would be so grateful for any donation, no matter how big or small. Thank you so much for your support !! xxx

Guide Dogs

Raising for:

Guide Dogs


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Thank you so much for visiting my page!

This year I really wanted to set myself a challenge. For anyone that knows me, they will know just how much I absolutely ADORE dogs. I am therefore so excited to say that this year I will be running the London Marathon 2023 for Guide Dogs UK and their goal to provide life-changing support and trained dogs for those who are visually impaired.

In 2021, I unfortunately lost my gorgeous golden Labrador Barley, who was an ever present in my life as I was growing up. I experienced how much love and support she provided to me over the years and can only imagine the bond that guide dogs would create with their owner. I would love to be able to play a small part in creating that amount of joy and life-changing support for someone else.

This year Guide Dogs UK have given me the challenge of raising £2000 for their amazing charity. The money that I raise will go towards training guide dogs, providing necessary support and equipment, and above all improving the lives of those with vision impairment and sight loss.

I would be so grateful for any donation, no matter how big or small. Thank you so much for your support !! xxx