Pancreatic Cancer UK

Running the London Marathon for Pancreatic Cancer in honor of Helen Morris

Jocelyn Awender

Jocelyn Awender

My Story

So as you know my mom died on August 3, 2022 from Pancreatic Cancer. She was diagnosed in June and died less than 2 months later. She didn't even have any symptoms until May.  This is a horrible disease and seeing my mom go through it was the worst thing I have ever experienced.  This disease took a vibrant, fit, active mother and grandmother and reduced her to almost nothing at the end. She couldn't eat and lost all her strength. I am actually thankful that God took her so quickly because I would never want anyone to ever suffer from this horrible disease. It is the worst.  So much pain and suffering and my mom didn't deserve it.  She was a caring, loving person and I am so sad the last few months of her life were taken over by this monster of a disease.

So I am running this marathon and raising money for pancreatic cancer research because I never want anyone else to go through what my mom did. I want to help find a cure or at least a way to help those that have this disease.  I also want to honor my mom. I miss her so much. Throughout her life my mom gave back to her community in so many ways. Be it through volunteering, offering financial support, or fundraising. I know she would want to raise money for this cause and to help others that have this disease. So I am running to raise money for my mom since she can no longer do it.

Please help me reach my fundraising minimum goal of $3,200 (2,500 pounds). Ideally I want to raise $5,000 since 5 was my mom's number and that would be such a nice gift to the Pancreatic Reaearch foundation.  Any amount will help me reach that and no gift is too small.  

Thank you so much for listening to my story on why I am so passionate about raising money for Pancreatic Cancer. It is the least I can do.  In addition to fundraising, I will also  be running 26.2 miles in order to complete the marathon. It will require months of training and getting back in shape. I stopped running when my mom got sick last summer and have not been able to get back into it. I have just been so sad since my mom died and I have not done anything truly for myself. Running was my thing and my mom was always so supportive of my marathon efforts. She came and watched me run several times including the time I qualified for Boston and also when I ran Boston. That was the last race she saw me in. I know she would want me to run London and keep running. She always supportived fitness and being active. This marathon will force me to get back into shape and continue doing what I love. So not only will you be helping raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer and honoring my mom, you will also be helping me get back to running and being healthy again. It is time for me to keep on living and honor my mom in the process.

Thank you again for listening to my story and for donating. Together we can do this!!

Pancreatic Cancer UK

Raising for:

Pancreatic Cancer UK


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

So as you know my mom died on August 3, 2022 from Pancreatic Cancer. She was diagnosed in June and died less than 2 months later. She didn't even have any symptoms until May.  This is a horrible disease and seeing my mom go through it was the worst thing I have ever experienced.  This disease took a vibrant, fit, active mother and grandmother and reduced her to almost nothing at the end. She couldn't eat and lost all her strength. I am actually thankful that God took her so quickly because I would never want anyone to ever suffer from this horrible disease. It is the worst.  So much pain and suffering and my mom didn't deserve it.  She was a caring, loving person and I am so sad the last few months of her life were taken over by this monster of a disease.

So I am running this marathon and raising money for pancreatic cancer research because I never want anyone else to go through what my mom did. I want to help find a cure or at least a way to help those that have this disease.  I also want to honor my mom. I miss her so much. Throughout her life my mom gave back to her community in so many ways. Be it through volunteering, offering financial support, or fundraising. I know she would want to raise money for this cause and to help others that have this disease. So I am running to raise money for my mom since she can no longer do it.

Please help me reach my fundraising minimum goal of $3,200 (2,500 pounds). Ideally I want to raise $5,000 since 5 was my mom's number and that would be such a nice gift to the Pancreatic Reaearch foundation.  Any amount will help me reach that and no gift is too small.  

Thank you so much for listening to my story on why I am so passionate about raising money for Pancreatic Cancer. It is the least I can do.  In addition to fundraising, I will also  be running 26.2 miles in order to complete the marathon. It will require months of training and getting back in shape. I stopped running when my mom got sick last summer and have not been able to get back into it. I have just been so sad since my mom died and I have not done anything truly for myself. Running was my thing and my mom was always so supportive of my marathon efforts. She came and watched me run several times including the time I qualified for Boston and also when I ran Boston. That was the last race she saw me in. I know she would want me to run London and keep running. She always supportived fitness and being active. This marathon will force me to get back into shape and continue doing what I love. So not only will you be helping raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer and honoring my mom, you will also be helping me get back to running and being healthy again. It is time for me to keep on living and honor my mom in the process.

Thank you again for listening to my story and for donating. Together we can do this!!