Teenage Cancer Trust

Jody Dunn

Jody Dunn

Jody Dunn

My Story

I signed up for the London marathon in 2020, wanting to do it before I turned 40. Covid meant it was cancelled and I failed miserably. I have since run 2 practice marathons and am ready to do the London one this year. I am 3 years older which will make it much harder, so it would be ace if you lovely people could all sponsor me LOTS for this amazing charity. Thank you very much x

Teenage Cancer Trust

Raising for:

Teenage Cancer Trust


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I signed up for the London marathon in 2020, wanting to do it before I turned 40. Covid meant it was cancelled and I failed miserably. I have since run 2 practice marathons and am ready to do the London one this year. I am 3 years older which will make it much harder, so it would be ace if you lovely people could all sponsor me LOTS for this amazing charity. Thank you very much x