The National Brain Appeal

Juliet Lopez-Real

Juliet Lopez-Real

Juliet Lopez-Real

My Story

I lost my sight when my daughter Bella was three months old. I was fortunate to receive excellent care from the wonderful Dr Plant and his team at the National Hospital for Neurology. I have been lucky enough to regain my sight, and now I want to give back to the amazing hospital and its staff who cared for me so expertly. As well as treating neurological eye conditions like mine, they are at the forefront of researching and treating strokes, MS, dementia and Parkinson’s disease, all of which have affected my family and friends in recent years. 

This will be my first ever marathon. I’m not a fast runner, but I am determined! I’ll be drawing on the difficult times during and after my sight loss when things get tough.

Add to my marathon playlist!

I’d like to invite everyone who donates here to suggest a track for my marathon playlist. Choose something you think will help power me 26.2 miles across London to the finish line on the Mall and add it to the message/comments section when you donate. I’m looking forward to discovering some new tunes :)



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I lost my sight when my daughter Bella was three months old. I was fortunate to receive excellent care from the wonderful Dr Plant and his team at the National Hospital for Neurology. I have been lucky enough to regain my sight, and now I want to give back to the amazing hospital and its staff who cared for me so expertly. As well as treating neurological eye conditions like mine, they are at the forefront of researching and treating strokes, MS, dementia and Parkinson’s disease, all of which have affected my family and friends in recent years. 

This will be my first ever marathon. I’m not a fast runner, but I am determined! I’ll be drawing on the difficult times during and after my sight loss when things get tough.

Add to my marathon playlist!

I’d like to invite everyone who donates here to suggest a track for my marathon playlist. Choose something you think will help power me 26.2 miles across London to the finish line on the Mall and add it to the message/comments section when you donate. I’m looking forward to discovering some new tunes :)