Concern Worldwide

Lizzi Smith-Young

Lizzi Smith-Young

Lizzi Smith-Young

My Story

Hello! This year I'm running the Moyleman Marathon in March and then the London Marathon in April. Having never run one before I thought I'd do two...

I'm running for Concern Worldwide who support vulnerable children and adults in some of the poorest countries throughout the world.

Concern help people struggling with war, famine and flood who end up stuck or as refugees in some of the most difficult circumstances.

A £5 donation can feed two babies for a month - £60 will feed them for a year! Please give generously and I'll run as fast as I can :-) 

Concern Worldwide

Raising for:

Concern Worldwide


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Hello! This year I'm running the Moyleman Marathon in March and then the London Marathon in April. Having never run one before I thought I'd do two...

I'm running for Concern Worldwide who support vulnerable children and adults in some of the poorest countries throughout the world.

Concern help people struggling with war, famine and flood who end up stuck or as refugees in some of the most difficult circumstances.

A £5 donation can feed two babies for a month - £60 will feed them for a year! Please give generously and I'll run as fast as I can :-)