Megan O’Keefe
My Story
Hello, my name is Meg!
I am an adult student nurse, I am in my 3rd and final year of my nurse training. As if I haven't got enough on with uni, placements and assingments I thought I would enter the London Marathon Ballot for 2023.... And I got in!
When I was told that I had got a place in the London Marathon I was on placement at Perry ward, Severn Hospice.
During my 6 week placement on the ward, I saw what an incredible job every single member of the team does on a daily basis. The team compassionatley care for patients and their families whilst they are going through extremely difficult circumstances.
The team were so welcoming and kind to me. They taught me so much during my placement and I felt that it was only right that I gave something back to them. So, if you would be so kind to sponsor me the donation will go to such an important and special charity. A charity that does so much for so many.