Cancer Research UK

Croc Marathon

26.2 in Crocs

26.2 in Crocs

My Story

So I've always wanted to do the London Marathon - having watched it most years on the railings and absolutely loved it.

Well, this year I've got some serious inspiration to do it, and if you're wondering about the Crocs part  🐊 - Well that makes it much more fun and a great excuse for my slow time 😅

As we all know Cancer really sucks... and more and more these days, you hear about people affected or their family members who've got it.

Well, this hit home for me last year, when Mum was diagnosed with some form of Lymphoma Cancer. The NHS kicked into rapid action and we've been so impressed by their speed and all of the staff who've seen Mum. 🏨

However, when you get thrust into this world, you only then start to realise how little we know about cancer and how brutal the treatment is. 

Mum's been a warrior and so upbeat over the past 9 months. She's honestly smashed it, attacking the chemo and radiotherapy head-on. I understand now where some of the "Wickham stubbornness" may come from. 

I now know how tough it is for those family members affected, who feel completely helpless at times, and you just have to push on. Thank you to everyone who's been so kind over the past few months to me and the family. You have no idea how much that stuff means, especially on a bad day. 😘

So I'm going to run my body into the ground and hopefully, you can help me raise some vital money for Cancer Research...  🏃🏃🏃

I will also be in the Prince Albert pub with several other Marathon Legends afterward so text me if you want to join in the celebrations...

🍻 Deffo more the merrier 🍻

Pedro x

Cancer Research UK

Raising for:

Cancer Research UK


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

So I've always wanted to do the London Marathon - having watched it most years on the railings and absolutely loved it.

Well, this year I've got some serious inspiration to do it, and if you're wondering about the Crocs part  🐊 - Well that makes it much more fun and a great excuse for my slow time 😅

As we all know Cancer really sucks... and more and more these days, you hear about people affected or their family members who've got it.

Well, this hit home for me last year, when Mum was diagnosed with some form of Lymphoma Cancer. The NHS kicked into rapid action and we've been so impressed by their speed and all of the staff who've seen Mum. 🏨

However, when you get thrust into this world, you only then start to realise how little we know about cancer and how brutal the treatment is. 

Mum's been a warrior and so upbeat over the past 9 months. She's honestly smashed it, attacking the chemo and radiotherapy head-on. I understand now where some of the "Wickham stubbornness" may come from. 

I now know how tough it is for those family members affected, who feel completely helpless at times, and you just have to push on. Thank you to everyone who's been so kind over the past few months to me and the family. You have no idea how much that stuff means, especially on a bad day. 😘

So I'm going to run my body into the ground and hopefully, you can help me raise some vital money for Cancer Research...  🏃🏃🏃

I will also be in the Prince Albert pub with several other Marathon Legends afterward so text me if you want to join in the celebrations...

🍻 Deffo more the merrier 🍻

Pedro x