Wellbeing of Women

Simon Vigar

Simon Vigar

Simon Vigar

My Story

I can't really believe it but it's true: this year is the 20th anniversary of the death of my wonderful mum Jane. She would have been a brilliant Grandma but never got the chance. She was only 58.

I am coming out of retirement from international competition to run my fourth London Marathon on April 23rd and, once more, my nominated charity is the outstanding Wellbeing of Women. 

Cervical cancer got my mum and it is, of course, preventable. I am running in mum's memory and that will get me through. I know what is coming! However large or small, please donate so we can all help Wellbeing's research and campaigns.

Many, many thanks: I am looking forward to a non-isotonic pint at the finish line ...

Wellbeing of Women

Raising for:

Wellbeing of Women


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I can't really believe it but it's true: this year is the 20th anniversary of the death of my wonderful mum Jane. She would have been a brilliant Grandma but never got the chance. She was only 58.

I am coming out of retirement from international competition to run my fourth London Marathon on April 23rd and, once more, my nominated charity is the outstanding Wellbeing of Women. 

Cervical cancer got my mum and it is, of course, preventable. I am running in mum's memory and that will get me through. I know what is coming! However large or small, please donate so we can all help Wellbeing's research and campaigns.

Many, many thanks: I am looking forward to a non-isotonic pint at the finish line ...