National Migraine Centre

Stephen Lacey London Marathon 2023

Stephen Lacey

Stephen Lacey

My Story

I am honoured to have been asked by National Migraine Centre (NMC) to run the 2023 London Marathon for the third time. This is extremely poignant as it’s their first space since lockdown and the charity was hugely impacted by COVID and rely 100% on donations. Not only this but my Dad was also a migraine sufferer and supporter of NMC. As many know my Dad passed away in 2020 and I shall be running this in his memory. I appreciate times are tough and anything you can give will be extremely helpful to get me round!!!!



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am honoured to have been asked by National Migraine Centre (NMC) to run the 2023 London Marathon for the third time. This is extremely poignant as it’s their first space since lockdown and the charity was hugely impacted by COVID and rely 100% on donations. Not only this but my Dad was also a migraine sufferer and supporter of NMC. As many know my Dad passed away in 2020 and I shall be running this in his memory. I appreciate times are tough and anything you can give will be extremely helpful to get me round!!!!